Metabolic syndrome, cancer, Alzheimer's and mental health issues are running rampant like never before.
And this chokehold only continues to tighten, with figures projected to increase exponentially (1).
If COVID-19 showed us anything, it was the fragile state of the population today. A 2021 study in a cohort of over 900,000 individuals who contracted covid found the following:
‘30% of these hospitalizations were attributable to obesity, 26% to hypertension, 21% to diabetes, and 12% to heart failure. These people would still have been infected with COVID-19, but likely would not have been sick enough to need hospitalization’ (2).
And more than one of these was often present within the individual. It concluded that 64% of hospitalizations could have been prevented had it not been for these comorbidities. The BMJ also concurs, noting that the risk of hospitalization (or death) was significantly compounded by such (2).
We know that these diseases are largely preventable through lifestyle.
Rarely is a human born into this world with diabetes, hypertension or heart disease.
The hard reality is, the majority of society has largely inflicted this upon itself through poor dietary and lifestyle choices.
But we are not completely to blame.
The post-war establishment of large-scale agriculture found ways to produce food on a grand scale. Corporations discovered new compounds to extend the shelf life of products. And at the same time, this abundance of readily available, cheaply processed and chemically sprayed foods reshaped society's relationship with it.
The instant access to whatever we wanted, in unlimited quantities slowly erased our perception and understanding of food. Microwave dinners on demand, cupboards full of processed snacks, and cheap GMO, pesticide-riddled fruit and vegetables found their way into our refrigerators. And our most sacred food source, animal products, was being pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and inflammatory grains.
Food corporations to this day continue to adopt this production philosophy, and in doing so have led us down a path of health and environmental disaster.
The mass adoption of GMOs, toxic fertilizers, artificial ingredients, and pro-inflammatory seed oils, have now found their way into just about everything in the supermarket.
But it doesn’t stop there. They continue to toss out ethics in the name of profit.
Toxic microplastics, hormone disruptors, and brain-damaging compounds swarm our daily environment.
And a growing body of research is now linking much of these to things like cancer, dementia, and hormone dysregulation.
While in 2022 there are now solutions to mitigate the effects of these (a wholefood diet for one), we have to point the finger at the big players here. The nefarious corporations who have unfathomable lobbying power over the ‘approved science’ and the mainstream media narrative.
Don’t believe it? Just check out the shocking truth behind Kellog’s corn flakes here.
One doesn’t even need to go into conspiracy-ville to see the blatant disregard for our best interest. There’s no little-to-no desire to ban smoking, curb alcohol consumption or halt the peddling of processed sugary snacks. From time to time, we may see half-hearted flickers of ‘measures’ to tackle metabolic syndrome, but these ultimately have no effect.
For example, in July 2020, Cadbury announced it would reduce the size of individual chocolate bars to tackle obesity in children (3)。
If you ask us, it’s a weak smokescreen to convince the public they are invested in our health.
But the truth is, these gargantuan corporations simply won’t allow any real measures to be taken that could damage their profits.
We can’t help but scratch our heads here and think that something corrupt is going on. Governments and supermarkets continue to go with the seemingly unstoppable current. Even cornerstone institutions like universities, high schools and hospitals are shackled to these norms. From schools adopting ‘meatless Mondays’ to hospitals serving patients jelly, white bread and chocolate cake, we really are living in an upside-down world.
And so, the BS continues to permeate our daily lives.
But hope is not lost. More and more are waking up. And there is a growing movement to reclaim our health. That’s why we do what we do at NOBS. We’ll never stop spreading the truth and helping people to stack the odds back in their favour.
Remember, change isn’t easy. As Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle."
So, if you believe this too, and are as driven as we are to change the landscape, share this blog with someone, on your social media, or even in conversation.
Want to learn how you can protect yourself against the real pandemic? Then check out our post on ‘9 Ancestral lifestyle practices’ to optimise your health (they’re practically free).
- National Institutes of Health (NIH). (2021). Most COVID-19 hospitalizations due to four conditions. [online] Available at:
- Adab, P., Haroon, S., O’Hara, M.E. and Jordan, R.E. (2022). Comorbidities and covid-19. BMJ, [online] 377, p.o1431. doi:10.1136/bmj.o1431.
- Abgarian, A. (2020). Cadbury reduces size of chocolate bars to tackle obesity in the UK. [online] Metro. Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2022].